T311 Black Hereford Steer

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Sire: BK Emerald 155 (Angus Bull)
Date Born: 11/27/23 Birth Weight: 88

T311 is a fancy goggle eyed Black Hereford bull calf out of a great son of Connealy Emerald. T311’s dam is a granddaughter of H5 9131 Domino 2185. The top selling bull in Harrell Hereford Ranch’s 2013 production sale, selling for $52,500 for ½ interest. 2185 was a standout in the Harrell herd that has a reputation of owning one of the most elite cowherds in the Northwest United States. A soggy, easy fleshing, deep ribbed herd sire with excellent structure and great maternal and carcass merit. 

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T311 Black Hereford Steer
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