T313 Black Hereford Bull

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Sire: BB 8165 DOMINO 2004 (Hereford Bull) 
Dam: BK Horseshoe Lassie 206 (Angus cow)
Date Born: 12/14/23 Birth Weight: 78

Here is a fancy bull calf by BB 8165 DOMINO 2004, a deep bodied, red eyed Hereford bull from BB Cattle Co. His dam, Bk Horseshoe Lassie 206, is by BK Equinox 904 is by Ankonian Equinox, “EQ,” who was a tremendous bull that consistently produced outstanding heifers and bulls. His daughters were very maternal, had great temperaments, were structurally sound and had great udders.

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T313 Black Hereford Bull
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